Emplacements >>
Membres du personnel local de Contact North | Contact Nord
Territoire | Nom de la personne | Téléphone | Courrier électronique |
Central Algoma | Jennifer Parsons | 1 855 901-3425 | centralalgoma@contactnorth.ca |
Chatham Kent - Lambton | Edith Kealy | 1 855 353-5949 | chathamkentlambton@contactnorth.ca |
Cochrane District | Nova Lachance | 1 855 658-3444 | cochranedistrict@contactnorth.ca |
Downtown Toronto | Student Information Hotline | 1 877 999-9149 | help@contactnorth.ca |
Dufferin Wellington | Catharine Robb-Williams | 1 855 355-8830 | dufferinwellington@contactnorth.ca |
Durham Region | Matthew Walker | 1 888 220-6601 | durhamregion@contactnorth.ca |
Elgin Middlesex | Robert DiBartolomeo | 1 855 451-7516 | elginmiddlesex@contactnorth.ca |
Etobicoke | Student Information Hotline | 1 877 999-9149 | help@contactnorth.ca |
Grand River | Angel White | 1 855 833-0108 | grandriver@contactnorth.ca |
Grey-Bruce | Connie Jefferson | 1 855 488-5212 | greybruce@contactnorth.ca |
Hastings Limestone | Tiffany Crowe | 1 855 899-4788 | hastingslimestone@contactnorth.ca |
Hearst District | Nova Lachance | 1 855 856-1717 | hearstdistrict@contactnorth.ca |
Hub of The North | Marie Bouchard | 1 855 840-1810 | hubofthenorth@contactnorth.ca |
Huron Bluewater | Jeffrey Scholl | 1 855 656-1232 | huronbluewater@contactnorth.ca |
Kirkland Lake District | Stephanie Aitchison | 1 855 710-5505 | kirklandlakedistrict@contactnorth.ca |
Lake of The Woods North | Dessa Bastone | 1 855 352-5503 | lakeofthewoods@contactnorth.ca |
Lambton Shores Caradoc | Laura Alderton-Ellis | 1 855 473-1474 | lambtonshorescaradoc@contactnorth.ca |
Manitoulin Island | Jennifer Parsons | 1 855 221-2185 | manitoulinisland@contactnorth.ca |
MidNorth | Samantha Hadley | 1 855 671-6453 | midnorth@contactnorth.ca |
Mississauga Oakville | Rim El Hasbani | 1 855 483-9392 | mississaugaoakville@contactnorth.ca |
Mushkegowuk | David Perron | 1 855 416-2667 | mushkegowuk@contactnorth.ca |
Muskoka Haliburton | Kelly Dunlop | 1 855 699-6330 | muskokahaliburton@contactnorth.ca |
Niagara Region | Aki Cook | 1 855 715-8001 | niagararegion@contactnorth.ca |
Nipissing East | Josephine Rocheleau | 1 855 352-7226 | nipissingeast@contactnorth.ca |
Nipissing West | Leigh Kitlar | 1 855 483-8660 | nipissingwest@contactnorth.ca |
North York | Student Information Hotline | 1 877 999-9149 | help@contactnorth.ca |
Northumberland Peterborough | Chloe Craig | 1 855 361-1421 | northumberlandpeterborough@contactnorth.ca |
Ottawa Carleton | Adela Polacek | 1 833 344-1396 | ottawacarleton@contactnorth.ca |
Oxford Waterloo | Kyle Hodgins | 1 855 357-1894 | oxfordwaterloo@contactnorth.ca |
Parry Sound & Area | Leigh Kitlar | 1 855 352-1531 | parrysoundandarea@contactnorth.ca |
Scarborough | Student Information Hotline | 1 877 999-9149 | help@contactnorth.ca |
South Simcoe | Stephanie Sheppey | 1 855 632-0764 | southsimcoe@contactnorth.ca |
Sudbury East | Samantha Hadley | 1 833 253-7878 | sudburyeast@contactnorth.ca |
Sunset Country | Laurel Albisser | 1 855 539-2993 | sunsetcountry@contactnorth.ca |
Superior Greenstone | Guneet Oberoi | 1 855 375-2790 | superiorgreenstone@contactnorth.ca |
Temiskaming Shores | Stephanie Aitchison | 1 855 710-5505 | temiskamingshores@contactnorth.ca |
Thunder Bay City | Tracy Jackson | 1 855 483-8721 | thunderbay@contactnorth.ca |
Thunder Bay Outskirts | Valerie Kolodka | 1 855 900-3320 | thunderbayoutskirts@contactnorth.ca |
Timmins East | Serina Seguin | 1 855 840-5877 | timminseast@contactnorth.ca |
Timmins West | Serina Seguin | 1 855 352-1410 | timminswest@contactnorth.ca |
Upper Canada | Natalie Deschamps | 1 855 353-2642 | uppercanada@contactnorth.ca |
Upper Ottawa Valley | Emma St. Pierre | 1 855 483-9396 | upperottawavalley@contactnorth.ca |
Windsor Essex | Carmen Salloum | 1 855 635-5151 | windsoressex@contactnorth.ca |
York Region | Michelle Bissett | 1 855 483-9492 | yorkregion@contactnorth.ca |